How can changing one belief change your life? Healing is a journey rather than a quick fix.
“I know how to recognize and accept positive change in myself and my life with joy and happiness. I already do this and I know what it feels like to live my life by doing this” Life is a journey itself and becoming the best version of ourselves is not different. However, we need to remember that within that journey, there are milestones, moments that we feel and know that we are and our lives are different from what we knew perhaps an hour or a few days ago. Life offers so many opportunities to experience this kind of miraculous moments. One of my experiences of such a life changing moment was a Theta Healing session I had at the beginning of 2017. By that time, I was already a Theta Healing practitioner and had many private sessions which opened my mind and my heart to go deeper and prepared me for what was coming. I was doing Theta Healing Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner Course, which is one of the most intense healing and personal development experiences one can have. Even though I already had many private sessions from my teachers and other healers at that time, I still had a deep sense of sadness which was coming to surface as a dominant feeling. The more limiting beliefs and feelings I cleared, the more sadness I was finding out. One would expect the opposite, wouldn’t she? Most of us think that we are completely fixed after a few therapy sessions. The truth is yes, we get better and our lives certainly do change after each session when we clear even one limiting belief. However, we have layers and layers of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings ingrained in the depth of our subconscious mind based on our learnings, experiences, upbringing, and our ancestors’ lives etc. Imagine an onion which has so many layers, to get to the core of it, you need to open each layer and work through each layer. Back to the life changing healing session I had, my teacher worked with me very gently and at one point I burst out with all the sadness I was feeling. I could see clearly where it came from and why I was holding onto this sadness. Together with my teacher, we found the bottom belief, which was the root cause, and it was “I have to witness suffering.” There was a reason for having this belief. I was learning about compassion by witnessing suffering. It is important to understand that this wasn’t something I chose consciously therefore I was not aware of it while living my daily life. This belief was what my subconscious mind had and believed and ran my life accordingly. At the end of the session, I also knew how that belief was formed and why it stayed there for so long. This explained me so many things. When I changed and replaced that belief with an empowering one and taught the lesson “what compassion is” to my subconscious mind, life felt lighter and so did the world around me. I was and I am passionate about helping others and bringing more compassion, love and abundance to my life and the lives of others. However, the biggest difference between then and now is, I do this from the place of love, joy and peace now rather than the place of fear, sadness and suffering. Can you see the difference? This is a way more empowering way of living a life and helping others. What is the essential point of this story? Celebrate each step you take towards freeing yourself from limiting and blocking beliefs and know that you are getting closer to living with your authentic self and your true power. Each and every belief you change matters, each lesson you learn matters, and each decision you make for yourself matters. Give yourself a credit for every step you take. You are worthy and deserving of this. As a final note, a remote healing for you. If you want to receive below for yourself, say yes in your mind. “I know how to recognize and accept positive change in myself and my life with joy and happiness. I already do this and I know what it feels like to live my life by doing this” Stay with love, Evrim Numanoglu Ozgen [email protected]
Have you ever been advised to let go of your controlling habit so your life could be easier?
Well, I know quite a few people who are experiencing difficulties about control issues. I have been one of them. If you are lucky enough to not know what this means, I will explain it briefly. It means a person trying to control his/her decisions as well as those of others. Please understand there is no judgement here. It is what it is and there is always a reason behind that. A control freak is neither a bad nor a good person. He/she is a person just like you and me. What does a person who lives with a control freak feel? Lets start from the perspective of the people who live with a control freak. This can be seriously frustrating because those people usually feel like their right to make decisions and to have choices are taken away from them because someone else makes decisions on behalf of them. This damages their self-esteem. They start to struggle about making decisions and moving forward in life. Further, heavy feelings such as resentment, anger, fear, regret, sadness start to build up in their system. Like all other things in life, the person may be learning something from this situation. Perhaps, they are learning about their own power, speaking their truth, expressing their thoughts and feelings, or having confidence and self love? It could be any of these or more. What is important is to have awareness about the situation and decide to learn any lessons that may come from this difficult experience through positive and inspiring ways. How does it feel to be a control freak? Well, I personally don’t think it is a fun or joyful thing to be a control freak. I haven’t met anybody who is a control freak and who actually enjoys being so. Please do let me know, if you do enjoy being a control freak as I would love to hear more about it. I promise you that you are learning something from being a control freak and the moment you understand what it is you are learning, you can let this habit go… Trying to control everything or most of the things in life is exhausting, consuming and draining for the person. It takes away the joy of life. Life becomes a struggle. A person like this usually doesn’t know how to relax and rest. They mostly have beliefs about being responsible for everybody in their lives or having to help everybody around them. Can you imagine living with this burden on your shoulders? These people also have dense feelings such as resentment, anger, hatred, frustration, sadness, guilt, loneliness, regret and many more… What Could Help? ThetaHealing® is an efficient holistic therapy technique for those who suffer from control issues. The sessions address the root cause of the problem in the subconscious mind and offer a solution to release blocking thoughts and feelings and to move forward. Furthermore, there are some questions that could help to create awareness if you struggle with control issues.
Free Will is the Key Now, I would like to offer some guidance about a concept which is key for a happy life in my view. That is the concept of Free Will and the right to make choices. We all have free will whether you accept it or not. That’s our divine right and we all were born with it. My life changed incredibly for better when I overcame my fears about accepting Free Will. I did have fears because I knew accepting Free Will meant accepting the fact that everybody had their own right to make their own decisions independently. This means sometimes we see a loved one making a decision which causes them pain and suffering. It is our choice to offer them our love, support and guidance however we also need to respect that it is their choice to receive what we have to offer. We have no control over others’ free will and their choices. They are responsible for their lives and we are responsible for our lives. We can choose to be responsible for others as well however only with their free will and acceptance. Understanding this truly makes it easy to let go of control. So, What is Control? Having control means making your own choices with your free will and being responsible for your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and choices. This requires having acceptance and respect for others’ free will and choices. Stay with Love, Evrim |
AuthorEvrim Numanoglu Ozgen is an Empowerment and Healing Coach, whose passion is to explore the depth of human potential and possibilities of life. Archives
August 2018
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