Every now and then, the best way to get inspired and feel fired up about life is watching a beautiful movie. I asked an amazing community of powerhouse women for their favourite movies and... Here is the list of inspiring movies which was created as a result. Click on the links to watch the previews. If your favourite isn't' in the list, put it in the comments. No in particular order...
With love Evrim
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Let's talk about priorities and being a mother. Why? Because it is Mother's day and I am a mother too. Further, priorities are the key to achieve what we desire.
I am loving the mammahood even more recently. I have worked on so many limiting beliefs about being a mother in the last 2 years. Beliefs such as "Motherhood is traumatic." "Motherhood is a sacrifice." They sound scary, don't they! They are gone and I am free. I have 2 beautiful boys, 4.5 years old and 2.5 months old. I launched my intuitive therapy and coaching business while I was pregnant with my second child. So, I had to make some important decisions and set my priorities in order to enjoy my newborn, grow my business and continue making an impact on others lives. Life doesn't have to be lived in silos, in isolated worlds such as business and family. I am telling this because I do know so many people live that way not because they like it but because this is the only way they know. Prior to my current lifestyle, I was in a typical corporate world with flashlights. I had degrees from world-class schools. I am proud of and grateful for these achievements. However I realized that was not happiness for me. After becoming a mother, I said NO to having to leave my child to a daycare at early morning and rushing to the train station or driving to the office while thinking "Oh, am I going to be late?" and having to watch the time in the afternoon so I am not late to pick up my child or having a family dinner together. This may be OK for many people, I am not judging anybody. We live what we choose. My point here is that we can make our own choices, there isn't only one way of having a career. I knew "the change" was possible therefore I searched for options and possibilities. . Now, I work from my garden office. I breastfeed my 2.5 months old baby during his feed times, cuddle him as much as I want, play with my eldest one in the afternoon while launching a big project. I have calls and interviews every day. I can still make those things happen because I set my priorities and schedule my day accordingly. Do you know what is even more amazing? When I became confident in my choices, I started to get people who respected my priorities and choices. The outer world started to be in alignment with my inner world. The universe literally got my back :-) What are your priorities and how do you choose to live? Let me know by emailing [email protected]. With love, respect, and gratitude... Evrim How can changing one belief change your life? Healing is a journey rather than a quick fix.
“I know how to recognize and accept positive change in myself and my life with joy and happiness. I already do this and I know what it feels like to live my life by doing this” Life is a journey itself and becoming the best version of ourselves is not different. However, we need to remember that within that journey, there are milestones, moments that we feel and know that we are and our lives are different from what we knew perhaps an hour or a few days ago. Life offers so many opportunities to experience this kind of miraculous moments. One of my experiences of such a life changing moment was a Theta Healing session I had at the beginning of 2017. By that time, I was already a Theta Healing practitioner and had many private sessions which opened my mind and my heart to go deeper and prepared me for what was coming. I was doing Theta Healing Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner Course, which is one of the most intense healing and personal development experiences one can have. Even though I already had many private sessions from my teachers and other healers at that time, I still had a deep sense of sadness which was coming to surface as a dominant feeling. The more limiting beliefs and feelings I cleared, the more sadness I was finding out. One would expect the opposite, wouldn’t she? Most of us think that we are completely fixed after a few therapy sessions. The truth is yes, we get better and our lives certainly do change after each session when we clear even one limiting belief. However, we have layers and layers of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings ingrained in the depth of our subconscious mind based on our learnings, experiences, upbringing, and our ancestors’ lives etc. Imagine an onion which has so many layers, to get to the core of it, you need to open each layer and work through each layer. Back to the life changing healing session I had, my teacher worked with me very gently and at one point I burst out with all the sadness I was feeling. I could see clearly where it came from and why I was holding onto this sadness. Together with my teacher, we found the bottom belief, which was the root cause, and it was “I have to witness suffering.” There was a reason for having this belief. I was learning about compassion by witnessing suffering. It is important to understand that this wasn’t something I chose consciously therefore I was not aware of it while living my daily life. This belief was what my subconscious mind had and believed and ran my life accordingly. At the end of the session, I also knew how that belief was formed and why it stayed there for so long. This explained me so many things. When I changed and replaced that belief with an empowering one and taught the lesson “what compassion is” to my subconscious mind, life felt lighter and so did the world around me. I was and I am passionate about helping others and bringing more compassion, love and abundance to my life and the lives of others. However, the biggest difference between then and now is, I do this from the place of love, joy and peace now rather than the place of fear, sadness and suffering. Can you see the difference? This is a way more empowering way of living a life and helping others. What is the essential point of this story? Celebrate each step you take towards freeing yourself from limiting and blocking beliefs and know that you are getting closer to living with your authentic self and your true power. Each and every belief you change matters, each lesson you learn matters, and each decision you make for yourself matters. Give yourself a credit for every step you take. You are worthy and deserving of this. As a final note, a remote healing for you. If you want to receive below for yourself, say yes in your mind. “I know how to recognize and accept positive change in myself and my life with joy and happiness. I already do this and I know what it feels like to live my life by doing this” Stay with love, Evrim Numanoglu Ozgen [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/DiaryOfLearnings/ Who do you attract to your life?
What kind of teachers, coaches, healers, therapists could help you with your current issues? When the student is ready, the teacher will appear... so true. I worked with so many teachers, mentors and coaches for both professional and personal aspects of my life. Some were good, some great, some not so good for my needs. Looking back to those who were not so good now, I can say with confidence that I was not ready or willing to take whatever they were teaching. A good example is a private career coaching I had 4 years ago, which added no value to me apart from me feeling even worse about going back to a corporate job. Because I had no intention to have a "job" again. I knew that deep inside but I pretended I did want to find a job. All I had in my heart was staying in entrepreneurship and finding what I would love to spend my life doing with. On the other hand, we attract people who enter our lives for a reason. There is always a lesson we learn from them. Sometimes, the reason may not be obvious at the time but there is always a right time to find out about what we learned from those people. Going back to the same example of the career coach I had, I must admit that it helped me realize and accept what I truly wanted to do in my life. As a result, I completely stopped thinking about and looking for a job after the coaching I have got. That probably wasn’t a desired result for my coach in terms of how she measured her work`s performance however that was the reason I needed her services even though I didn’t know it at the time. I now have a mentor, who is a Theta Healing Practitioner & Instructor and a life coach. I have been working with her for 9 months and my life transformed in that duration. The limiting beliefs I have released in all aspects of my life would have taken a couple of life times unless I went through such an intense emotional and mental cleansing and growth with her. The results don’t only impact me but my family, network of friends, my clients, literally everybody I come across in my life. She is truly amazing; however, I still might not have met her, had I not been ready for this transformation and investing in myself. At a webinar my mentor has done for her mentees recently, we have covered the difference between a pretext and a purpose for taking an action. The pretext is what appears to be the issue for searching for a solution or taking an action. On the other hand, the real purpose underneath is usually hidden. Our souls and hearts know that purpose however our conscious minds usually don`t acknowledge that. This also applies to working with a coach, mentor, therapist, and healer. Here is an example. Let’s imagine a woman who has hip pain which has been with her for years. Her pretext is hip pain. She wants to get rid of that pain so she could enjoy her life better. She finds a healer and starts working with that person. She takes couple of sessions. Her pain eases a bit but doesn’t go away however she experiences improvement in other areas of her life. Her business partner, with whom she had been having some issues decides to leave the business. Following that, she makes some important decisions about her business. Her hip pain doesn’t go away completely. She continues the healing sessions and each session leads to a new issue and solution. Within a couple of months, she decides that she doesn’t want to continue running her business and looks for a buyer, which comes to her shortly after her decision. So, she sells her business and opens a new page in her life. The story goes on with more changes, some easy, some challenging in her life. The message here is that the initial issue she searched for help is still there. It hasn’t been cured completely. Because that was not what she truly needed. There are still reasons why she still holds onto that hip pain. However, the events that she needed to happen in her life were much bigger than that and her soul knew that she had to find a way, an opening to those issues. The conclusion here is that we need to have a broader perspective about things happening in our lives. Many people get frustrated with the results or lack of results they get from their own actions and from services such as coaching, therapy and healing. Feeling frustrated blocks your improvement, and most importantly prevents you seeing a bigger picture and your purpose. One step at a time… this is such an important concept. Just like life itself, healing is a journey, not a quick fix. When we change our perspective, the right teachers, coaches and healers appear in our lives. Stay with love, Evrim [email protected] What does it take to have healthy gums and a healthy bump?
I made a visit to my dentist few days ago. The last visit before that was about 7 months ago. He checked my gums and teeth out and said "You have such healthy gums especially considering you are 6.5 months pregnant! I am very impressed! Keep doing whatever you are doing." It made me so happy of course. Firstly, because I have healthy gums, secondly I knew what was behind it. I always had a healthy diet, healthy life style and had a good mouth care however I also always had issues about my gums and teeth. What has changed? Here is MY SECRET to this change. I have worked on a significant aspect of my lifestyle. My inner world - my beliefs and my feelings. Problems about the gums and teeth, like the skeletal system in general, are mostly about SUPPORT in life. This means feeling supported, knowing how to ask for help and support, accepting support without guilt and not trying to do all on your own. I had some issues around this subject of asking and accepting support during whole my life until recently. I somehow thought I had to be a superwoman - never tired, never unhappy, never needing rest! Sounds familiar? I am glad to give you the good news that life doesn't have to be that way. Further, I also felt lack of connection with, awareness and understanding of a Divine energy, which you may like to name God, Universe or Creator, most of my life until recent years. Suddenly, in the past year, I started to feel that I had amazing support in all aspects of my life. My lovely husband and my family are always there to support and help me. I have many beautiful friends whom I can call, text, reach out anytime to ask help, sometimes just for Love and Understanding. I am part of a very supporting entrepreneurs network. Moreover, I always feel the presence, the existence and the love of a greater energy around me. I never feel alone. This is the biggest gift of the work I am doing. Getting support makes me feel happy, whereas it used to make me feel guilty and uncomfortable most of the time in the past. Those beautiful people I have in my life always existed. They are real. What changed is not them, it is me - it is my thoughts, my awareness, my feelings, my reaction to the events of life. Let me give you an example. I am in Athens, doing Theta Healing Instructors Training while typing this post right now. I am here for 2 weeks while my husband and my son are together enjoying their trip to Turkey. I feel happy, light and peaceful about the entire arrangement. Going back to 2 years ago, I couldn't handle the heavy feelings of guilt, sadness and anxiety for being away for such a long time. The work I have done on myself as well as the work I have done with my clients paid off wonderfully. Whatever we choose, we can also choose to be happy about it. If you have issues about feeling unsupported, finding it difficult to ask support and also accepting support when offered, I strongly suggest you look inside yourself gently. It is not your fault, there is nothing wrong about you. You may simply not be aware of your beliefs and your feelings causing this issue. If you feel like you need support from a professional, I am here to give you that support. I am only a click away from you. Stay with Love, Evrim Have you ever been advised to let go of your controlling habit so your life could be easier?
Well, I know quite a few people who are experiencing difficulties about control issues. I have been one of them. If you are lucky enough to not know what this means, I will explain it briefly. It means a person trying to control his/her decisions as well as those of others. Please understand there is no judgement here. It is what it is and there is always a reason behind that. A control freak is neither a bad nor a good person. He/she is a person just like you and me. What does a person who lives with a control freak feel? Lets start from the perspective of the people who live with a control freak. This can be seriously frustrating because those people usually feel like their right to make decisions and to have choices are taken away from them because someone else makes decisions on behalf of them. This damages their self-esteem. They start to struggle about making decisions and moving forward in life. Further, heavy feelings such as resentment, anger, fear, regret, sadness start to build up in their system. Like all other things in life, the person may be learning something from this situation. Perhaps, they are learning about their own power, speaking their truth, expressing their thoughts and feelings, or having confidence and self love? It could be any of these or more. What is important is to have awareness about the situation and decide to learn any lessons that may come from this difficult experience through positive and inspiring ways. How does it feel to be a control freak? Well, I personally don’t think it is a fun or joyful thing to be a control freak. I haven’t met anybody who is a control freak and who actually enjoys being so. Please do let me know, if you do enjoy being a control freak as I would love to hear more about it. I promise you that you are learning something from being a control freak and the moment you understand what it is you are learning, you can let this habit go… Trying to control everything or most of the things in life is exhausting, consuming and draining for the person. It takes away the joy of life. Life becomes a struggle. A person like this usually doesn’t know how to relax and rest. They mostly have beliefs about being responsible for everybody in their lives or having to help everybody around them. Can you imagine living with this burden on your shoulders? These people also have dense feelings such as resentment, anger, hatred, frustration, sadness, guilt, loneliness, regret and many more… What Could Help? ThetaHealing® is an efficient holistic therapy technique for those who suffer from control issues. The sessions address the root cause of the problem in the subconscious mind and offer a solution to release blocking thoughts and feelings and to move forward. Furthermore, there are some questions that could help to create awareness if you struggle with control issues.
Free Will is the Key Now, I would like to offer some guidance about a concept which is key for a happy life in my view. That is the concept of Free Will and the right to make choices. We all have free will whether you accept it or not. That’s our divine right and we all were born with it. My life changed incredibly for better when I overcame my fears about accepting Free Will. I did have fears because I knew accepting Free Will meant accepting the fact that everybody had their own right to make their own decisions independently. This means sometimes we see a loved one making a decision which causes them pain and suffering. It is our choice to offer them our love, support and guidance however we also need to respect that it is their choice to receive what we have to offer. We have no control over others’ free will and their choices. They are responsible for their lives and we are responsible for our lives. We can choose to be responsible for others as well however only with their free will and acceptance. Understanding this truly makes it easy to let go of control. So, What is Control? Having control means making your own choices with your free will and being responsible for your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and choices. This requires having acceptance and respect for others’ free will and choices. Stay with Love, Evrim |
AuthorEvrim Numanoglu Ozgen is an Empowerment and Healing Coach, whose passion is to explore the depth of human potential and possibilities of life. Archives
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