Who do I hang out with these days?
These are only few of the amazing people that I have been hanging out with lately. Well, not necessarily in person... I have done their training programs, coaching programs and still follow their blogs, and watch their training videos.
- Brené Brown, Ph.D, is an amazing researcher, author and speaker. One of her books, The Power Of Vulnerability came to my life at a time when I felt the most vulnerable and tried so hard to suppress that feeling. Listening to audio version of her book again and again changed my perspective about vulnerability drastically.
- Brian Johnson (www.optimize.me), is a philosopher, author and an entrepreneur whose work had a great impact on finding my path to healing and personal growth over 2 years ago. I have literally woke up to listen to his masterclasses as the first thing in the morning at 5 am and then listened to them again and again while training for a half marathon during an entire summer. Amazing days!
- Vianna Stibal, is the founder of ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique. I believe there is no need to say much considering ThetaHealing® is in the heart of what I do.
- Dr. Dain Heer, is the co-founder of Access Consciousness, a healing modality. I love his questions. They always create an awareness and I end up finding out more about my own beliefs.
- John C. Maxwell, is an author, speaker and a Leadership Guru. I have completed his 15 Laws of Growth program and in particular The Law of Environment created the most important change in my actions. What are the environment and people that you spend most of your time at and with like?
- Mike Dillard, an entrepreneur with expertise in digital marketing and with a mission to train new entrepreneurs. His point of view and training program inspired me in believing and acting towards more freedom in business and life.
- Layla Martin, "The Headmistress of Pleasure," is a courageous human being, who is smart, fun, daring and compassionate. Her service to the human kind is priceless. Her work guided me to find hidden beliefs about pleasure and sexuality and release my own limiting beliefs.
- Alfie Kohn, is an author and lecturer in the areas of education, parenting, and human behavior. I met his work through one of his books, Unconditional Parenting. I believe every parent needs to read that book to understand life from their children's perspective.
- Neale Donald Walsch, is an author of the series Conversations with God. His point of view in spirituality brings peace and joy into my life.
- So many amazing and beautiful healers, personal development coaches and business owners I personally meet, chat and share with. They inspire me everyday with their perspective and actions. The support I have seen in this community is priceless.
Who do you hang out with, follow, read, listen and watch? If you want to share and ask me anything about this topic, hit the button below.
Theta Healing® does not replace professional medical diagnosis or treatment. You are encouraged to see a professional medical doctor about any physical issues you have. Theta Healing® can support and accelerate your treatment by clearing limiting beliefs and heavy emotions such as regret, resentment, rejection, anger and sorrow. Theta Healing® can also bring positive movement in all areas of your life, such as finance, relationships, health, career and spirituality.
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